How action take a place

  • We will build a mobile track with obstacles at your chosen location
  • We’ll teach everyone how to control the cars and boats
  • You can build your own boats ba templates
  • You create pirate accessories (even parrots!)
  • You drive with boats (seriously!), jump over obstacles and compete for extra prizes and opportunities at workshop
  • Boats are easy to handle and fun to drive
  • Relive your childhood with you children

What you get

  • The perfect entertainment for your employees, business partners and their kids
  • Complete pirate program – we take care of everything: + bouncy castle, face painting, temporary tattoo
  • Creative challenges and races
  • Professional fully trained staff in costumes
  • An unforgettable memory of your time together

We will prepare unforgettable program and competitions in pirate theme

Complete themed package contains:

  • Creative workshop of boats building
  • Competitions and races
  • Temporary tattoo and face painting
  • Self-service photo board
  • Creating pirate accessories as parrots, hooks, sabers, pistols and more
  • Large bouncy castle


Marketingový ředitel firmy Stahlgruber: „Služby RC Auta Event naše firma využila již několik let za sebou a pokaždé byla zaznamenána velmi pozitivní zpětná vazba. Tento rok jsme se rozhodli uspořádat naše pravidelné setkání zaměstnanců s jejich rodinami v pirátském stylu. RC tým tuto tématiku pojal originálně, místo klasických autíček si účastníci mohli vyrobit pirátské lodě. Samozřejmě nechyběly ani pirátské kostýmy či rekvizity. Patří jim velké díky“.


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